Code of conduct

Parenting Place offers face-to-face courses conducted in person and over Zoom, giving parents and caregivers, the opportunity for interaction, learning from other's stories and human-connection. We encourage participants to contribute to group discussions during our courses and in the breakout sessions, keeping all comments and reflections respectful, relevant and free of any offensive language. We expect you to:

  • Enjoy yourselves and learn as much as you can
  • Ask questions when appropriate but allow your facilitator/s to direct the course
  • Respect the facilitator/s and follow reasonable instructions
  • Respect other participants especially during breakout sessions
  • Allow other participants to have their say
  • Refrain from bullying, sexual innuendo, coarse language and angry tones which will not be tolerated
  • Recording of in person or zoom sessions is strictly not allowed unless without prior consent from the course facilitator and all participants

Parenting Place reserves the right to determine what is appropriate/inappropriate conduct and to remove any course participant who does not behave in keeping with the above guidelines

Information collection & accessibility

Our courses and parent coaching sessions are safe environments, designed to support parents through the journey of caring for children from 0-18 years. These spaces can help you reset your family atmosphere, show you different ways of parenting through the ups and downs of family life and help you discover the joys of being a parent.

Our parent coaches in particular can support you with new ideas, insights and strategies so that parenting might be more enjoyable and less stressful. They have years of experience supporting and coaching parents through the types of everyday challenges that all parents face. Coaches can also let you know, if should they feel you would benefit from professional counselling or the support of a psychologist.

All information collected during our courses and parent coaching sessions is done so for the purpose of providing a service to support the parenting challenges you are facing. All information is kept in confidence and held securely within our CRM and physical document storage systems. Notes and information specific to parent coaching sessions are accessible to parent coaches only. You have the right to request access and to have copies of the information you have provided.

Information use

Parenting Place will use your personal details to identify you when you engage with us, keep you informed of upcoming events, parenting resources, staff vacancies, changes to our products and services and to ask for feedback from time to time. You may contact us at any time to update your information or to opt-out of receiving further information from us.

Limit of confidentiality

Information collected by parent coaches and facilitators is confidential. It can and will only be shared with other,s with your permission. On every form/channel that you leave us comments, compliments or feedback, you will have the opportunity to give us permission to share these or to let us know that they are private.

A limit to confidentiality is placed on our parent coaches should they believe/feel that you or your child are at risk of harm. In such a case, the parent coach has a duty of care, to seek support from other agencies. Wherever possible the parent coach will talk to you first about who will be contacted. Should you have any concerns, please talk to the parent coach in the first instance about what is not working for you or your child.

Reviewed & Updated May 2024

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