Partners & supporters

As a business, you have the opportunity to make a huge social impact for communities, both locally and across the nation.

Do you have a sustainability goal that you need to achieve? Are you wanting to attract socially conscious staff and customers? Talk to us today about how you can play a unique role in supporting New Zealand families.

Key corporate sponsors

Sentinel Homes logo

Key business sponsors

Logo Bell Gully 2
Btg logo blue
Entire Electrical logo
Raizor Insurance for Good logo jpg
Home logo final p

Trusts and foundations

Thank you to all our supporters who made our work possible through grant funding over the past year and to our sponsors and partners who provide financial and in-kind support.

Our mahi is made possible by your generosity and involvement and your support helps us serve the needs of whānau across Aotearoa. We deeply appreciate you and we are truly grateful!

If you're keen to find out how you can work with us, support us or partner with us to fulfil our mission, we'd love to kōrero with you! Get in touch here.

Become a Corporate Partner

To find out more about how your business can partner with us, please contact:

Kylie Kent
Fundraising & Corporate Partnerships Manager
027 2522 862

Become a Business Supporter

To become an official business supporter please email us at

Payroll Giving

Have you considered offering Payroll Giving to your employees?

Parenting Place is an approved donee organisation. To find out more go to IRD Website or contact us

Parenting Place Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023
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