Copyright statement

Parenting Place works to empower and support parents through in person and digital mediums. The work we do reaches parents through audio, visual, written, spoken and creative mediums.

All content developed and produced by Parenting Place will have the required consents and permissions sought from contributors and presenters in writing. Where photos, audio/video recordings have been produced and edited by Parenting Place or where work has been commissioned by Parenting Place, these works are owned by Parenting Place Charitable Trust unless otherwise agreed mutually in writing.

All content & delivery of courses, digital mediums and; print mediums, are therefore owned by and are the copyright of Parenting Place only (unless otherwise specified in writing or commissioned to others in writing).

Our service and course brand names and logos are trademarked by Parenting Place and are therefore not available/permitted for use by anyone/any entity other than Parenting Place (unless otherwise specified in writing).

Content from our courses, articles, website, scripts may not be reproduced, edited, or promoted without our prior consent in writing. Content may not be used in or as part of any other external programmes or courses without our prior consent in writing from Parenting Place.

Reviewed & Updated May 2024

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