Our why

Since 1993, we’ve walked alongside New Zealand families and whānau, providing strategies to build stronger relationships. We recognise that every parent-child relationship can benefit from support, encouragement and practical skills.

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Our vision and mission

Our vision

That every parent* in Aotearoa feels confident, and every child feels deeply loved.

Our mission

Supporting parents* to build strong family relationships.

Our approach

We inspire parents by offering hope for families.
We equip parents with information and strategies.
We journey with parents through key transition times.

*Anyone raising a child, including parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunties, uncles, guardians and foster carers.

Our values

TūmanakoWe are Hopeful  
We believe in a flourishing future for all whānau and for Aotearoa New Zealand, and each of our roles play a part. We carry hope that things can always get better. We take a positive, strengths-based approach, and are both inspiring and pragmatic. 

ManaakitangaWe are Caring
It’s not just what we do, it’s also how we do it that matters. We are kind and gracious and we prioritise well-being. We assume the best of each other and listen well. We believe everyone has mana and recognise that everyone needs support. 

AuahatangaWe are Creative
We are innovative and can think outside the box. We problem-solve and look for fresh ways to improve our work. We have fun in the process and aim for end-results that inspire fun for our audience too. We know that people hear when you speak to their heads and hearts.

AkoWe are Learners
We are curious and lifelong learners, broadening our understanding of people, family and culture. We constantly seek wisdom and expertise to do better and be better. We value feedback and appreciate opportunities for growth. We’re committed to best-practice and apply it to every aspect of our work. 

Mahi TahiWe are Collaborative
Our best work is done collaboratively, drawing from a diverse set of skills and perspectives. We deeply value all relationships - with parents, community organisations, facilitators and our supporters. We also recognise our place in Aotearoa, striving to be faithful Treaty partners.

Our people

Parenting Place have a team who work directly with parents in Parent Coaching.

Our presenters deliver Parenting Talks at schools and organisations, and regularly share strategies, tips and learnings on TV and radio.

We keep our employees’ well-being (along with that of their whānau) a priority.

Our partners and staff

We collaborate  with a variety of community organisations to deliver our three core courses – Building Awesome Whānau, Toolbox and Space.

We also have an internal team of people who support the production, delivery and admin of other in-house services like Parenting Talks, digital offerings and media engagements.

Our goals

We aim to improve the following for parents and children

- Parent–child connection and attachment ,
- Reflective functioning and attunement ,
- Parent competence and coping capacity ,
- Responsiveness to children’s needs ,
- Family atmosphere ,
- Parent and caregiver mental health,
- Social support,
- Positive parent–child interaction .

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