Complaints, compliments and feedback

It is possible that sometimes we won't get things right and you might want to alert us to a mistake or error that you have encountered. Please do let us know so we can take care of it immediately.

It is more likely that you have had an amazing experience with our courses, coaches and/or; learning tools and want to share your feedback with us. We'd be so keen to hear your comments and feedback.

Whatever the reason, if you have a complaint, a compliment or just feedback, we are keen to hear from you as soon as possible either to put things right or pat our team on the back.

Please contact us using the following options:

  • Complete the form on our Contact us page
  • Email us at
  • Call us at 0800 535 659

What happens next

If you have raised a complaint, we will

  • Collect as many details from you as possible
  • Investigate the circumstances and talk to the people involved
  • Keep you updated on our investigation, timeline, options, and likelihood of resolution
  • Engage stakeholders as many as may be required – for example our privacy officer, department heads, senior leadership etc.

If we have been unable to come to a resolution or to address your complaint to your satisfaction, you have the right to bring your complaint to one of these independent services for advice:

  • The Disputes Tribunal
  • The Citizen's Advice Bureau
  • Your Community Law Centre
  • The Office of the Privacy Commissioner (for privacy issues)

If you have shared a compliment or constructive feedback, we will

  • Detail your feedback and share it with relevant teams and stakeholders
  • Let you know how your feedback has been used to encourage our work or improve our process

Sometimes we like to use comments about your experience, compliments, and impact statements for our marketing communications to subscribers or in our funding communications to donors. In this case, we will always ask for your consent to use your comment or feedback before we do so.

Reviewed & Updated May 2024

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