What do you do when it all feels overwhelming?
This article was inspired by a good friend of mine – a fantastic mum with two kids and another on the way. She loves her children, wants the world for them and does everything in her power to give them what she thinks is best. All day long she’s pulled in different directions. She’s doing a great job, but I can see she’s overwhelmed. And I empathise, because when I look at her and the stage of life she is in, I see myself. I recognise the overwhelming nature of parenting – I’ve felt it before, I feel it still now. I think many of us do.
Some days parenting feels easy. I tell myself that all I have to do is love my kids and keep them out of danger, and they’ll turn out alright. Other times, however, parenting seems really hard, and so complex! There are so many decisions to make and so much advice to sift through. In spite of all the ‘helpful’ input at my disposal, or maybe because of it, sometimes I just can’t recognise the right thing to do. I wish I didn’t let the responsibility of raising two small humans feel like a heavy weight, but I do. I love being a parent, but at times it all just feels so complex!