Dads often feel a bit like they are left on the sidelines during labour, birth and those first few weeks, but there are actually so many things you can do support your partner.
During labour and birth
During the labour and birth the number one thing you can do for your partner is – whatever she asks you to! Massage her back, don’t touch her, get her a cold cloth for her forehead or a heat pack for her back, run the bath, get her a snack! Check in often and ask if there is anything you can do for her. Another thing – keep offering her sips of water. Don’t let her get dehydrated.
Be her advocate. You know her best and how she’s dreamt of baby’s birth day going. Stand up for her if things aren’t going to plan and she’s too tired to stand up for herself.
In those first few weeks
If she’s breastfeeding, there’ll be a lot of it happening in those first few weeks. So make sure your partner has a snack and glass of water at every feed. You can learn to change the baby’s nappy, bath them, wind, swaddle and settle them to sleep. You can cook dinner, clean the house and put on a load of washing while you’re at it too!