So easy to say, so hard to do. Surprise, surprise, we find ourselves in relationship with someone that does not agree with us all of the time. This can be very annoying when one likes to be right quite a lot. It can also be annoying if one does not like conflict very much at all.
So. One very simple way to keep the relationship sweet is to learn how to let your partner win. That’s right – to lose every now and again. We all like to win, losing not so much. So you might need to practise saying a few things in front of the mirror to ease the pain. “You are right, I’m going to give you that one,” or, “You have convinced me so let’s try it that way,” or, “It seems I might have been wrong on that one.”
You will probably see your partner perform a short victory dance which might sting a bit, but consider the long game here. Your aim is for your partner to feel validated and uplifted. So you might be losing the battle but winning the war. The bonus of sharing the wins in your relationship is that it teaches your kids all about tolerance, teamwork and humility.