When it’s all working well and the whānau are gathered around the table chatting happily, the food is a hit with all diners and young and old are remembering their manners, you may wonder why you don’t all eat together more often.
On the other hand, if attempts to sit around the table as a family have been less than charming at your place, you might be wondering if such a scene is even possible outside of the Disney channel. Well, we'd like to suggest that successful family mealtimes are not only possible, but also incredibly meaningful. And we’d agree – they might take some effort!
Mealtimes matter and there is a list of golden benefits for eating together as a family. Research shows that children who eat meals with their family -
• Learn to communicate better
• Feel safe and part of the family
• Do better at school
• Eat better and are less likely to become overweight
• Are less likely to smoke, drink or use drugs