First published in the level 4 lockdown of 2020.
Well done. Everyone in the family is getting fed, washed and watered – for the most part! You’ve no doubt worked through some adjustments to find a daily rhythm and hopefully also experienced some great moments in the midst of an extraordinary time. It’s understandable that this far in there may be a few wobbles appearing, some of which boil down to spending much more time together than usual – and in a confined space. Add to the mix our own background noise reminding us of the extra things there are to worry about in this season… It’s no surprise that right now you may be seeing more friction and less tolerance amongst your children. Maybe you hear the volume going up and the pitch morphing into the tell-tale tones of intolerance. Perhaps the meltdowns and fights have less space between them. Some of this might sound very familiar to you right now:
“You broke my Lego castle. I’m going to break your farm” “Mum, tell Sienna to stop breathing so loudly – I can’t concentrate!” “She’s not giving me a turn – she always leaves me last!” “He’s eaten the last biscuit. I only got two out of the whole packet!” “My felts are ruined – all the tips are flattened. I hate Sam – he did it on purpose!”