Social media policy statement

Parenting Place is a charitable organisation providing articles, videos, courses and other resources that aim to support parents and caregivers in Aotearoa. Some of our content is made available through our social media accounts, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and LinkedIn.

We encourage contributions on our social media pages; however, we reserve the right to remove posts that are not in keeping with our community guidelines. Please ensure that all posts and comments are kept respectful, relevant and do not contain any offensive language or imagery.

Parenting Place reserves the right to:

  • Determine what constitutes appropriate/inappropriate content
  • Hide or entirely remove inappropriate content
  • Ban users who continue to engage in inappropriate behaviour from our social media communities

Parenting Place may delete posts which contain:

  • Offensive language, abuse, or threats
  • Information that is off-topic and/or irrelevant to the thread of the conversation
  • Potentially defamatory statements
  • Confidential information (including contact details & personal information)
  • Spam or advertising
  • Nudity, pornography, or child abuse
  • Excessive violence
  • Content that is illegal, gives instructions for illegal activity or advocates illegal activities

Should you find content on any of our social media pages that you feel breaches these guidelines, please email and let us know at

When you choose to login and engage with social media platforms your information, feedback, comments etc are also subject to the privacy policies and data handling of the individual channels. You may read more about the individual channels Terms of Privacy below:

LinkedIn Facebook Instagram TikTok

Reviewed & Updated May 2024

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