Behaviour & Emotions

Should parents help their kids make friends?

Helping kids make friends

Parents are rarely short on things to worry about on behalf of their children. A very sensitive button gets pushed when we are faced with the challenge of our child not having a friend, not being included in what their friends are doing, or not being all that good at being the sort of friend others want to play with.

Our own big feelings about the challenges of friendship can be confronting and often send us into orbit, which is not that helpful for our kids. We can find ourselves over-reacting in anxious ways as we grapple with the reality of our children being isolated.

We can find ourselves over-reacting in anxious ways as we grapple with the reality of our children being isolated.

One thing parents can do too much of is ask questions which sound more like interrogations.

“Who did you play with today?" “What do you mean they said you couldn’t play?” "What happened?" “Did you do something silly?” “Look, this is what you should do next time.” “Shall I talk to your teacher and sort this out?”

Questions like these are designed to be helpful but our tone and intensity can swamp a child or make them feel even more overwhelmed.

The good news is, there are ways we can support our kids in making friends and being a great friend to others. Let's look at things that can help when it comes to friendship, and some things that can get in the way.

Things that help

  1. Talk to your child’s teacher and find out how your child is doing at school
  2. What do you know about your child so far?
  3. It takes time to be a good friend
  4. Arrange for the occasional play date at your place
  5. Build a network of friends that includes playmates outside of school
  6. Be a friendly family

1. Talk to your child’s teacher and find out how your child is doing at school

Some children are not able to give an accurate picture of their day at school. They may have had friends to play with some of the time, but only remember to tell you about one incident when they were not included in a game.

2. What do you know about your child so far?

Every child is different. Some children are shy and take time to warm up in a group. Some children are happy with one solid friend and are tricky to nudge into a wider group. It is possible you have a child who is content much of the time with their own company or who is completely comfortable with playing on their own if others don’t like their ideas or rules. Getting to grips with your child’s natural leaning is going to help here.

3. It takes time to be a good friend

There is a lot to it. Your child may be a friendly person, but not yet know how to take turns. They might be a leader, but not yet grasp the concept of letting others have their ideas included. Step by step, your child is learning the skills of being a good friend and it is going to take some time and coaching.

4. Arrange for the occasional play date at your place

You may get some insights on how your child relates to other children. Without hovering, notice how your child shares, takes turns and initiates games etc. This little bit of research can help determine what might need tweaking.

5. Build a network of friends that includes playmates outside of school

It might be the neighbours, the cousins or a child from the soccer team. If there are some wobbles with friends at school, it’s great to draw on another source of buddies.

6. Be a friendly family

When we model friendliness and our children see us show warmth, hospitality and care for others, we are helping them get the idea. We share our resources and time with others and they get to see firsthand what this looks like.

When we model friendliness and our children see us show warmth, hospitality and care for others, we are helping them get the idea.

Things that are less helpful...

  1. If your child gets to manipulate you or has everyone adjusting to their way – then that behaviour is taken into their friendships
  2. Your child could be unaware of how their behaviour is being interpreted
  3. Your constant anxiety can set up a child to feel anxious too

1. If your child gets to manipulate you or has everyone adjusting to their way – then that behaviour is taken into their friendships

Try some KFC! We are kinder to our kids when we are firm at home and have reasonable expectations for their behaviour. If you want your child to be respectful in how they talk to their friends, then it needs to start at home first. If your child can upturn the board game when they are not winning, and you let that happen regularly, then they are not going to do so well at losing with their friends either.

2. Your child could be unaware of how their behaviour is being interpreted

Let your child know know that their friends may not like it when they get too close when talking, or how ignored their mates feel when they always make up the rules. Give them some guidance and understanding of what others like in a friendship. (Use the list below to help your child see what they are doing well and what could be a focus area).

3. Your constant anxiety can set up a child to feel anxious too

Let them feel your confidence in them, rather than your niggling doubt that they have the ability to be a good friend. There are times to show a definite expression of confidence in our children and for them to hear our belief in their ability to be a good friend and make friends.

The 'Good Friend' list

Coaching our kids through the difficulties they face in life is on our job description as parents. Often kids need some extra coaching around behaviour and social skills, and many will need some guidance on the 'how to's' of friendship. The 'Good Friend' list is a great coaching tool to get kids thinking practically.

Go through the list below with your children and see which things they find easy to do and which things they find a bit harder. Be gracious and understanding because some of these traits won't come naturally to your child's personality, and some might not even make sense to them right now.

A good friend...

  1. Is friendly and can say, “Hello” and, “Goodbye” and “How are you?”
  2. Invites people to join in – welcomes others
  3. Knows that one person can’t be the boss all the time
  4. Shares stuff around
  5. Takes turns in a fairly even way
  6. Looks to see if someone is left out
  7. Keeps to the rules
  8. Knows how to say sorry
  9. Knows how to accept an apology
  10. Smiles
  11. Doesn’t get too close
  12. Uses a nice voice not a moany whiney one
  13. Let’s others have ideas
  14. Doesn’t scoff at others’ ideas even if they think they are silly
  15. Is kind
  16. Doesn’t talk behind another person’s back
  17. Listens without interrupting

Another tool to help kids practise friendly responses is to get them thinking about what friendliness might look like in different scenarios.

What would friendliness look like if…?

  • A new child has moved into the house next door?

  • You want to make friends with someone in your class who you have not talked to yet?

  • Your family has a new family over for a meal and you have never met any of them?

  • One of your friends looks like they have been crying?

  • You are at a party and you see one person standing alone and everyone else is in a group?

Often kids need some extra coaching around behaviour and social skills, and many will need some guidance on the 'how to's' of friendship.

You could also chat with your child about some of the things that can be rough on friendships.... hypothetically of course!

What might happen to a friendship if..?

  • You want too much control and to always be in charge?

  • You have to be right all the time?

  • You have too many rules?

  • You spend all your time organising and not much time playing and having fun?

Most kids are quite shy, until they learn how to be friendly. Your child might be encouraged to learn that being friendly is something we all have to practise - even the grown-ups! Thankfully it's not too complicated - in fact it can be as simple as smiling and saying hello.

Jenny Hale

Jenny Hale

Jenny Hale is our Senior Parent Coach and we’ve been lucky enough to have her on our team for over 25 years. She’d love to raise free-range chickens, write children’s books and perhaps even take up horse-riding again.

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